Sunday, February 23, 2025

FREE Women's History Month Activities

 Celebrate women for National Women's History Month! 

Learn about the women who made it all possible!

Use the following FREE resources to plan your lessons then print the FREE handouts below:

PBS Media National Women's History Month

Visit the National Women's History Museum and National Women's History Alliance website for FREE curriculum planning guides, lessons, and handouts. 

Help students uncover the meaning behind National Women's History Month and women's contributions:

Supplies Needed:

  • Books/Internet Access, etc... with examples of women's contributions
  • Butcher paper/poster boards (large is best)
  • Colored pencils/Crayons/Markers/Chalk (set chalk on posters by spraying with hairspray), etc...

To Prepare:

  • Divide your classroom into genres by posting labels on the walls: art, inventions, music, politics, science, theater, writings, etc... 
  • Have needed supplies placed in each of the genre areas

Assignment Activity Directions:

  1. Have students choose one area to research and explore. Once students have located their areas in the classroom, explain the National Women's History Month activity:
  2. Make a large brochure/flier/infograph/poster that creatively displays women's contributions in your respective genre.
  3. List ____ number of women's examples for each genre (choose the number based on your time allotment: 5 examples for each genre)
  4. Go over the scoring rubric's A grade, which lists the instructions for the assignment: 

Assignment Rubric Score: A Grade

  • ______ Examples of Women 
  • One Individual Contribution Listed for Each Woman
  • Brief 1-2 Sentence Explanation of Each Contribution 
  • Well Organized Format for Readers to Follow
  • Symbolism/Image Used for Each Example
  • Creative Approach to Displaying Information
  • Overall Display is Colorful and Attracts Viewers

Be sure to display final products for all school students to enjoy!

Another way to learn about women's contributions is to use these FREE handouts:

Enjoy National Women's History Month and all the wonderful contributions by women!

Beth, Educator Helper

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