Sunday, October 22, 2017

Monsters and More... Just in Time for Halloween Research Skills

What's Halloween without a few Monsters and More...? Being able to connect to prompts and research materials helps students produce better writings. Finding high interest topics can be challenging, but now there's Monsters and More...

What kind of high interest writing topics are covered?

Lochness Monster

Proving whether these topics are fiction or non-fiction is left up to students to research and determine based on facts stated and uncovered. Have students use the PEE method to reinforce using expert testimonies in their essays:

P = point/claim    
Make your point: Alien sightings occur frequently in Texas.

E = Evidence/research     
What's the expert testimony say? Local police departments report more than five sightings per day in Texas (Williams 3).

E = Explanation      
Explain how evidence backs up or supports your claim: Since there are thousands of alien sightings reported each year by the general public in Texas, there is a high probability aliens exist. 

This easy to follow format will ensure students reinforce their claims with text evidence while avoiding dropped quotes. The Monsters and More... handouts may be used as stand alone research based worksheets or as a starting point for more in-depth essays.

Interesting writing topics mask working with difficult research skills so that students learn while having fun! 

Use these Fact or Fiction: Monsters and More... handouts to get started on some Halloween research: 

Happy monster hunting this Halloween!

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