Sunday, July 2, 2017

Freebies for Preparing to Teach "July the Fourth"

Fireworks, parties, picnics, family, and friends are synonymous with July the Fourth, but do students understand the true meaning behind the independence holiday? 

Have some fun teaching and learning with the American Revolution Timeline comic book

Then, use the blank templates to let students re-tell the story of the American Revolution:

Next, have students explore their own meanings of freedom and independence with this Fourth of July 35 Activities Packet:

Maybe you just want students to relax and enjoy the Fourth of July holiday--no stress or hard work required. Use Fourth of July 30 Coloring Handouts:

Today, more than ever, students need to articulate and express their definitions of freedom, independence, and liberty. Hopefully, these free handouts will help you and your students have a stress free, freedom filled Fourth of July holiday.

Finally, be sure to say "Thank you!" to America's armed service men and women, who keep us safe and free 24/7.

Say "Thanks" with these Veteran cards and more:

However you spend your Fourth of July, with friends, family, or alone, it's your choice because we are in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Happy Fourth of July!
Beth, Educator Helper

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