"Talkin' Turkey"
Gobble, gobble, gobble...that's not the "Talkin' Turkey" referenced in this week's blogpost title. So, what is "Talkin' Turkey"? It's a fun way to get students to use their writing skills over the Thanksgiving holiday break.
Thanksgiving is a time for fun and family. I remember waking to the smells of turkey and pumpkin pie. I would peer out the window in anticipation of aunts, uncles, and cousins. As the house filled with people, the table was set and an abundant feast appeared on the table. A silence feel over the room and Thanksgiving grace was said. Then, it was time to carve the bird!
After a great meal, elders settled in the living room to watch football while youngsters headed outdoors for an annual game of touch football. Later on, we set up the card table for friendly competitive games of Moon (dominoes) and WaHoo! As the sun set, we bundled in coats and gloves, gave handshakes, hugs, and kisses, and declared we would see each other at the next big holiday get together on December 25. But, let's not rush it...
From Educator Helper
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