Sunday, February 28, 2016

Get Fit on Snow Days

Record breaking snow falls are causing numerous school absences this year. It appears that Mother Nature has her own agenda this winter, and it includes plenty of snow days. How can elementary students keep learning and stay active when they are out of school? 
Step back in time to when you were a kid in grade school. We hollered and whooped when we saw our school district listed on the ticker that scrolled across the bottom of the television screen. Then, we turned our attention to the big picture window in our living room where large, white snowflakes floated to the ground. It seemed as if they begged for us to come out to play. After steaming mugs of hot chocolate and plates of cinnamon toast, we pulled on coats, gloves, and toboggans then headed outdoors. We found our sleds and met our classmates at the top of the hill.
We went down time after time until our fingers and toes were numb from the cold. 

Another great treat on snow days was snow ice cream! After the first snow fall of the year, we filled large bowls with clean, pure snow. We stirred in milk, sugar, and vanilla until the mixture was just right. Then, we gobbled up as much of the ice cream as our stomachs could hold. Afterwards, we'd plop down in front of the wall furnace for naps. It was clean, simple fun that provided lots of physical activity. 
Today, students have plenty of indoor technology options, such as gaming units and Netflix, to keep them busy and out of the cold temperatures. But, that means most students are getting little exercise on snow days. To change that, have students practice their inferencing, reading, and visualization skills using Get Fit Action Stories.
Get Fit Actions Stories are active learning tales that use sight words to get elementary students up and moving. Get Fit Action Stories will keep younger students learning and exercising on snow days! 
Stay warm and keep students active on cold weather days!
Here's a FREE Get Fit Action Story Lucky the Leprechaun Looks for Gold for St. Patrick's Day:

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