Sunday, May 27, 2018

FREE Memorial Day Thank You Cards and Coloring Pages

We often say, "Happy Memorial Day!" without thinking about the meaning behind the holiday. Do you know someone who has served or sacrificed to defend our democracy and freedom? Take time for remembrance and to say, "Thank you!" to an Armed Services member. 

Help students celebrate Memorial Day and its true meaning with these free activities:

FREE Memorial Day coloring pages:

FREE Memorial Day "Thank You" cards:

Memorial Day and its true meaning is sometimes lost amidst celebrations and fun. Take time to help students recognize the true meaning of Memorial Day.

Thank you, armed service members and all who have served!

Happy Memorial Day!
Beth, Educator Helper

Want to pick up full packets?
Click here to get the full packet!

Click here to get the full packet (in English & Spanish)!
Help students recognize the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day:

Click here to preview this get up and move action story!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

End of School Year Appreciation Cards

The end of the school year is near, and it's time to give a big "Thank you!" to those who have made your year a great one! 

Thanks, teachers, for all you do...
Have a great summer!
From Beth, Educator Helper

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Last Chance for Mother's Day Freebies

Happy Mother's Day!

There's no better way to celebrate than with Mother's Day make and give freebies:

For more Mother's Day freebies, see the last two posts or purchase the packets at my TpT storefront.

A gift made with love is the best gift ever!

Have a wonderful Mother's Day... 
Beth, Educator Helper

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Publishing Student Works Just in Time for Mother's Day

What made a difference in students' writings? 

Expectations are suddenly higher when students have a real audience. They worry whether their essays measure up to audience expectations. Most students rise to the challenge, but don't take my word for it--read this semester's works published just in time for Mother's Day!

Composition 1 Conspiracy Theories or

Composition 2 Social Epidemics or

Celebrate Mother's Day with these fun to make and give activities:

Visit Mother's Day TpT storefront for more activities and handouts.

Happy Mother's Day!
From Beth, Educator Helper